Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Winter Angel

WOW! What a difference a new camera makes. It has been awhile since I've posted a new piece of art. Today's piece is called "Winter Angel", acrylic, 6"x"9". She was the perfect item to work on during a winter snow storm. The other reason, an angel was the subject of the day is because I finally gave the other angels to my cousin so a new one is needed for greeting cards.

But about the new camera...Santa (aka my hubby) gave me a new camera for Christmas. It is amazing the difference in the pictures. Now we are working on getting the missing piece to the tripod and I will be in business...literally in business WOO HOO.

It felt great to be back in the studio yesterday. It had been so long since I painted. I am thinking maybe more painting today...

Well that is the short update for today. Stay warm, be safe and happy creating!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Believe

The holidays are wonderful and yet, the holidays are so hard. A very wonderful friend of my mom and dad lost her husband 17 months ago to cancer. At the beginning of their journey in dealing with this disease she started a blog. The intent was to keep everyone updated on how they were doing; it was easier than trying to e-mail everyone. However, over the months as they battled together to overcome this obstacle in their lives the blog turned into something more. It became a testament of their love and commitment to each other. It is a beautiful and sad story of a journey that did not end in happily ever after.

I don't visit the blog very often, I jump in periodically to see how this lovely lady is doing. Mostly, I find the rawness of her writing overwhelming and beautiful. I read her entry late last night and it stayed with me. I thought about it throughout my morning routine and throughout my day. And then again as I began to write my blog entry.

So here is what I believe this holiday season...Life is too short to argue over gifts and who's house you should have Christmas dinner at. Spend time with those you love since you never know when they will be gone. Above all...celebrate the lives that touched yours.

And I wish for my parents' dear friend to have a wonderful holiday season and may it be filled with all the individuals in her life talking about her husband with love and laughter.


I believe, I believe,
I believe in wishing wells,
But I also believe in a lot of things,
Things the daisy tells,
I believe, I believe that a four-leaf clover brings,
Lots of luck, lots of joy, lots of happiness,
I believe those things.
And when it's christmas time I believe in santa claus,
Why do I believe, I guess that I believe because
I believe, I believe,
I believe that dreams come true,
If you wish for a dream by a wishing well,
Don't tell your wish or you'll break the spell,
It may sound naive, but that's what I believe.

And when it's christmas,
I try to believe in santa claus,
Why do I believe,
I guess that I believe because
I believe, I believe,
I do believe that dreams come true,
And if you wish for a dream by the wishing well,
Don't you tell the wish or you'll break the spell,
It may sound naive,
But that's what I happen to believe.

Sang by Frank Sinatra

Happy creating!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Excitement

My favorite little artist and I are once again in Lake Placid for Thanksgiving. We had a smooth drive up...no traffic and only two pit stops.

Last year, when we were up here the fire alarm went off in the hotel and we were evacuated until the fire marshall gave the all clear. This year, we once again got to see the firemen.

Our morning started out uneventful...we took a drive over to visit the Sugar Shack (totally yummy goodies, I highly recommend stopping there) then headed to my cousin #1's house. My favorite little artist and I headed in with my cousin #2's two girls in tow. No sooner did we have our shoes and coats off that my cousin #1 yelled "Everyone out of the house!" Out the door I pushed the three girls, no shoes and no coats, and to my car where they did put on their shoes and coats. Cousin #3 called 911 as cousin #1 called "the stove is on FIRE!"

By the time the firemen arrived the fire was out; however, they checked everything out to make sure that we wouldn't have any more issues. Let me tell you these firemen arrived fast but it was a small grease(?) fire that flared and fizzed out pretty quickly. Unfortunately though, not quite fast enough...it lasted just long enough to give my poor cousins #1 and #3 heart failure.

The rest of our day has been busy but uneventful. Now we are just relaxing until we get to eat and eat and eat. Thankfully, it was not the turkey that caught fire :-)

I am hoping to do a drawing or two while I am in Placid...it normally inspires me!

Happy Thanksgiving and happy creating!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Let It Snow

My favorite little artist and I had a lovely painting day on Sunday. It felt wonderful to be back in the studio. While I painted, my little one worked with clay. She experimented a bit with it to see how it worked and molded, then she created leaves.

It was so interesting to watch her work as she tried out this new medium. So like and yet so unlike play-doh. It took her a bit to figure out what she wanted to make but once she started there was no stopping her. She cannot wait for another day in the art room, so she can paint her creations.

As for me, it felt great to break out the paints and to dabble a bit in pencil. When I was an undergrad I loved working in pencil but then as time when on and I discovered paint well the poor pencils where all but forgotten about. So Sunday, I dusted off the box (the same one from undergrad and the same pencils), sharpened a few and had some fun. I may do a few more snowman cards in pencil since I liked it so much. But I also realized that they are easy to bring with me when I do one of the 3f's.

So, I asked my favorite little artist if I should do another fair and without hesitation she voiced her opinion. A resounding "NO!". Then she told I should do a home fair which is interesting since I will be doing. On December 5th, I will be hosting The Sunday Soiree, featuring art and jewelry. It should be a fun event, watch for the invite.

Well, that is all for now my friends. I promise to try and post more often and not let the "real world" derail me too much. Happy creating!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


So, I did another craft fair yesterday and have another coming up in early December. However, the more fairs, festivals and flea markets (hahaha could just call them the 3 f's) I do, the more it is becoming clear that these are not the right venue for me. They offer good exposure but you can't really live on "oh, these are lovely". Perhaps I need something more retail...

But I just found another fair that takes place next weekend and is local. If they respond to my inquiry and the price is right I might do it.

Today, however is a painting day. My favorite little artist and I will be spending some quality time in the art room. Cleaning, cooking, shopping will have to wait for another day.

Enjoy this lovely Sunday and happy creating!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


My poor, neglected GarnetOriginals...being back to work at a real job and all my art projects become second class citizens. I don't necessarily want it to be that way but I am just unable to create after working. My tired brain does not focus and I am lucky I can string two words together. It has even been ages since I posted to my lovely blog. But really who wants to read about open enrollment and carrier renewals!

But all is not lost, I will be at a craft fair this weekend. I'll post the invite to my facebook page. However, if I am to be completely honest, I am not prepared. I have some items but I don't know if I will be able to sell enough to make back the entrance fee.

Well, that is all for now since the last thing I want is for this to feel forced. My blog should flow freely but tonight I just think it is dammed up...

All my love and happy creating!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Long Live the Wicked Witch

It has been awhile since I last posted and I am sure you miss me terribly. A lot has happened over the last couple of weeks.
Let's start with the Bayside Arts Festival. It was a beautiful day and the area was lovely. I made a nice contact who gave me lots of helpful hints and I got to see my friend and meet her other half. I had not met him before so when I saw them together my first thought was "they fit together". They were my blessing that day since when you work a festival stand on your own it is kind of hard to take a break if you know what I mean. Altogether it was a good experience and I hope to do it next year.

I started my new job at the end of last week and have hit the ground running. Lots to do in not a lot of time but it is all good. I am amazed by the group I work with, the spirit of teamwork is refreshing.

My favorite little artist is still struggling with school. It feels like for every step forward we go two steps back. But we will get there. She is having a great time at soccer and karate which I hope will help her in school.

So being green one lunch at a time is going well. I am thinking of of maybe creating a Facebook fan page about it. However, there are so many days I feel like a green wannabe that it seems like it would hypocritical. Maybe one day.

Well, I am off to decorate the house for Halloween with my favorite little artist. Enjoy the wicked witch hats (hand painted notecards). Happy creating!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's Not Easy Being Green

So, do you remember while back when I mentioned that there is a mom at my favorite little artist's school who sends her children to school with garbage-less lunches? Well, guess what...I now also send my favorite little artist to school with garbage-less lunches...well very close to it anyway :-)

I thought it would be hard but after conversation with my sister and a look at how I packed up her lunches, I realized it was do-able. All it really required was a shift in thinking. For instance, I so hate plastic shopping pages so I use re-usable bags, yet I would use plastic sandwich and snack bags everyday for lunch. Do you see the hypocrisy in that? So, lunches are now packed with all re-usable containers and it's not very hard. In fact, it is easier in some respects and now sandwiches never get squished.

So in honor of my breakthrough on the being green front, here is the picture for today, although it was done a few weeks ago, called "It's Not Easy Being Green", mixed media, 10"x12". However, the irony is that it is not as hard are we may think.

So make a little change for Mother Earth...reduce, re-use, recycle. And with that I step down from my soap box. Happy creating!

Friday, October 15, 2010

It's Friday!

I cannot believe that it is Friday! This week and last have just been a blur and to top it off I haven't accomplished everything I wanted. However, this week marked the beginning of a new beginning...I am no longer "in transition"...woo hoo. I started a new position on Thursday and am once again part of the gainfully employed.

Everything happened so fast and I am still trying to wrap my head around it. One thing I do know is that I need to continue to work on my art and building GarnetOriginals. My small little business must survive! There are some good things coming together for GO...professional pictures will soon be done and then quality greeting cards will be printed. It will be exciting to have an inventory to work with and see if any local stores will carry the cards.

Tomorrow will be an art focused day once soccer mom duty is over. My favorite little artist and I are looking forward to some quality time in the art room.

This Sunday I will be at the Bayside Arts Festival which should be lots of fun. If you are local I hope you will stop on by.

Last but certainly not least...my wonderful friend made it through her surgery and is a breast cancer survivor. Don't forget...October is breast cancer awareness month so get your pink on!

Love to all and happy creating!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Busy Week

Sorry to be away so long, my friends. I know you were so lonely w/out me tee hee.

It has been a super busy week. My period of "transition" is quickly coming to an end and I am trying to get some last minute things taken care of before returning to the world of work. Also, I have lots of new pics to post but the gloomy weather earlier in the week made it impossible for me to take the pics. Add to that I am a poor photographer and well, it was just better to wait. So today looks like a good day to take all the pics.

On Saturday and Sunday I was at the Arts & Music Festival in Rye. We had two beautiful days and I was lucky enough to have my booth between two lovely women who gave me lots of great tips. Sales were kind of slow for me but I think I may do it again next year since it was such a positive experience. Also, this was the first year it was held so it can only get better!

So keep an eye out for all the pics and happy creating!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

To the dogs...

Today was Hounds on the Sound...it was a puppy filled day. Unfortunately for me, my products didn't quite work with the dog-lovin' crowd. I sold some items but not enough to break even which was quite depressing. Next weekend if the Arts & Musical Festival at the Playland Boardwalk which I think will be a better venue for me. It is a two-day event so lots of opportunities to sell my work and network.

October is breast cancer awareness month. Please take a moment to send positive energy to all those friends and loved ones who are battling this disease. Also, ladies be sure to get your "girls" checked out...early detection saves lives!

Love to you all and happy creating!

Do you like the pink pic? Found it here. Thanks self-tanning queen.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, Monday

It is a dreary, rainy Monday...it was not quite as dread filled as I imagined but the day is not over yet. I meet w/my favorite little artist's teacher in about 20 minutes... I hope we can come up w/a good plan and get my girl on track.

I am happy to say, I started a new mixed media piece for my Green series. I am optimistic about it and the colors are very autumn-ish...orange & green. Oh, get this, one of the moms at school sends her children to school with trash-less lunches. I am totally impressed and in awe. The most amazing thing about it is how casual she is about it, like everyone has clothes napkins to send their children to school with. But seriously, it is a great thing and many kudos to her. What a fabulous example, Ed Begley would be proud.

Well gotta run...more tomorrow and happy creating!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tomorrow is Monday...

For someone with no job, I shouldn't dread Mondays but for some reason I do. Perhaps it is something that is just so ingrained in my psyche that I have yet to overcome it. This Monday showcases a meeting with my favorite little artist's teacher. We are only 12 days into the school year and already there is a problem... So needless to say, I am not feeling very confident in my parenting skills and to make matters worse we had a horrible Saturday but on the bright side we did have a good today. Maybe, I am not such a bad parent only time will tell. And there is always therapy if I really screw things up LOL! But my wonderful trusted friend gave me a pep talk (really a pep IM) so I think we will be ok.

But back to Mondays and the dread, could it be that Mondays signify the end of relaxation and just being? People are rushing off to work and children are trudging to school and the inevitable question is...Is it worth it? Why do we run ourselves into the ground? Do we really need a 5 bedroom house when we only have 1 child? Do we really need a flat screen TV in every room? Should a child be pushed to reach higher and higher academic levels all before the age of 6? These are just some of the many questions that run through my brain as I examine my own life and my dread of Mondays.

Here are a few more....Is not working so bad? Can we survive as a one-income family? Will not having granite countertops in my kitchen kill me? No it won't but having the expenses of a two-income family means one-income won't cut it, at least not right now. So, this Monday will also see a continuation of my job search but if I am lucky maybe I won't have to search too much longer and the joy of making art. I am hoping to create another piece for my "Green" series. That should chase the Monday blues away...

Till tomorrow my friends and happy creating!

Friday, September 24, 2010


Yesterday was a very productive painting day. Five new hand painted cards celebrating Autumn. They were so much fun to do. It is good to break out of my normal subject matter. But I was lucky enough to create a commissioned piece which I will post in early October if I can get a better picture of it. Somedays I think I am getting better at taking pictures and then other days I think I am getting worse. Oh, well...

So today I was in NYC, near the United Nations. I had an interview that I am very excited about. Hopefully, everything will work out and I'll have a 5-6 month temporary position. Fingers are crossed.

Well, that is all for now. Happy creating!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just Pictures Today

It has been awhile but I have been busy painting cards for Hounds on the Sound. Here are ten cards, "Puppy Luv" and "PawPrints". Enjoy and happy creating!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hello Again...

Again hello

Just called to say: hello.
I couldn't sleep at all tonight
And I know it's late
But I couldn't wait.
My friend

Neil Diamond

I can't say that I can't sleep since I will be out cold very soon, however, in surfing through the web and my book marked pages I realized it has been a few days since I posted. So then I thought...perhaps someone misses my musings so I should post something. And well, since this song popped in my head I thought I would have that as the beginnings of this post. :-)

Aside from my ego-enhancing thoughts that someone might thrive on my posts, life is good. Tomorrow night I head over to the Greenpoint Gallery for their Salon Show. I have entered 3 pieces and maybe I'll get lucky and place...it is a long shot but a girl can dream can't she?

Sleep well all and happy creating...your mostly humble friend :-)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hounds on the Sound

I survived the Patriot's Day Flea Market on 9/11. Basically, it was a break even day but I learned a good lesson...flea markets and hand painted original artwork don't really go together. So with that behind me, I am prepping for Hounds on the Sound which maybe a better match. I will be posting an invite on my Facebook (FB) page in the next day or two.

The newest line up of hand painted cards are called "Woof" courtesy of my favorite little artist. As you can see they are bones since the event is to help dogs. I also have another design that is a play on the bone shape and then it is an attempt at paw prints. So much to do and not a whole lot of time.

Tomorrow, I head to Brooklyn to drop off 2, maybe 4, pieces at the Greenpoint Gallery for their salon show on Friday night. Don't worry, I'll post the invite on FB for this as well. I am hoping to go to the show since I think it will be a fun evening.

The other item to prep for is a second interview on Friday. I'll keep you posted on how that goes as well.

Well, that is all for now. Have a good night and happy creating!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sweet Blooms

The Patriot's Day Flea Market is on Saturday and I am almost ready. Today, I painted two more Sweet Blooms which is the next series for my hand painted cards. There is one more to do but I have posted the completed ones here. Unfortunately, my photography skills are still lacking since you can't really see the nuances in the coloring.

I do need to determine what artwork I will bring with me to sell. Since it is a flea market I am thinking super affordable pieces. The objective is to sell as much as possible.

My favorite little artist and I had a good day. A trip to the art store always makes us smile. I bought some new paint and finally figured out what type of brush I really like. Even better, I found a $50 gift certificate and was able to use that to pay for all my new fun stuff. My favorite little artist used her tooth fairy money to pay for her purchases. It was a good shopping day.

Tomorrow, I need to finish the Sweet Blooms and I am also hoping to maybe do another mixed media piece.

Happy creating!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mixed Up Crazy Day

Today was a bit of a crazy day, well actually the last two days have been hectic. My favorite little artist started kindergarten yesterday and we are adjusting to a whole new routine since she is taking the bus this year. And since she is the second stop in the morning the bus comes early (well for us anyway), 7:45. So every morning I wake her up at 7:10 so she can get ready and be on time for the bus. Once she is safely aboard her bus, I wait until just after 8 and drive over to the school to make sure she arrived safely and she knows where she is going. Now, please know the school has a whole system for making sure each child gets to her/his assigned class safely but until I know for sure she knows what to do I will meet her at school.

Today, after leaving the school I got myself together for an interview in NYC. I left plenty of time for traffic since the location I was headed to was easier to drive to then to take the bus/train. It took me longer to get there and get home then the interview lasted. I am not optimistic that they will call me back and oddly I am really ok with that. However, feeling that you will once again be rejected just puts a depressing damper on the day. It was beautiful and sunny but I still felt sad that is until my favorite little artist climbed off her bus and was home!

The rest of the day was very productive from an art perspective. However, I will have to wait to post the pieces completed today since it was too dark to photograph them. But on the bright side, here the mixed media piece I did yesterday, "Go Green", 10"x12". I have to say, I really have a lot of fun creating these mixed media pieces. I don't know if it is just the fact that it is something new or that I get to pull apart documents that made my life (and the lives of some others) a living hell. No matter which it is, they sure are a blast to create.

On a different but related note, my favorite gallery in Brooklyn, The Greenpoint Gallery, is having another salon show. I am so excited to submit my two new mixed media pieces for exhibit. I'll be sure to share more information on the show.

Have a wonderful evening and happy creating!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Baby Butterflies

Preparation for the Patriot's Day Flea Market continues. The latest addition to the product line is the Baby Butterflies. Four are featured here and I have one more to do. Ideally, I'd like five variations for each notecard subject matter. I did paint five butterflies but, unfortunately, it ripped when I was removing the tape. I was able to cut it out, however, I am hesitant to glue it onto another card...I think it will look cheap. I am also at a loss for what other subject matter to use for the notecards.

Tomorrow, is the first day of school for my favorite little artist. She will take the bus and I will meet her at school. Her uniform is all ready along with her favorite color socks (purple, in case you're interested). It is hard to believe that she is starting kindergarten. We can't wait to meet her teacher and see who from her pre-k class will be in her class.

For me, tomorrow will be a painting day. One more butterfly to do and then maybe begin work on a mixed media piece. It will be so strange to not have my favorite little artist with me during the day. The goal will be to stay busy while she is in school and countdown till the bus drops her off.

Well, that is all for now. Hope you enjoy the butterflies. Happy creating.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cars, Cars and More Cars

Since I am unemployed, um, I mean in transition, there was no formal vacation this year. It was a real bummer since normally where we vacation is full of inspiration for me. So we kind of did a mini-vacation...an overnight in Parsippany, NJ. I know sounds super exciting now doesn't it?? Well, all sarcasm aside, it really is a good time if you like classic cars and the 50's. We spent two days at Lead East with family and friends. There are hundreds of classic cars to look at and lots of vintage items as well. I grew up with a car enthusiast for a Dad so cars are in my blood. My very first car was a 1964 Thunderbird, what I would do to own one again... In all honesty, the one I owned was very worst for wear. Oh well, maybe one day :-)

It is hard to believe that summer is almost over. School starts on Tuesday and my favorite little artist starts kindergarten. She is looking forward to taking the school bus and meeting her new teacher. We did the first time bus rider program on Thursday so I have a good idea of the route and am happy to know that there is an adult monitor on the bus. Oh, how different our days will be once school starts.

If all goes well, tomorrow, I will have a bunch of pictures to post. I have been busy working on my hand-painted greeting cards which I have nicknamed "The Littles". Reason being, the painted image is only 3"x4.5", small and sweet. As much fun as The Littles are to do, I am itching to do a large piece. Well, relatively speaking since my works are small to begin with but usually larger than 3"x4.5".

On a different note, I received a message about a possible job interview so please cross your fingers for me.

Well, that is all for now. Happy creating!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Here is the latest installment to the alphabet by Garnet :-) I am slowly painting each letter so possible clients can see an example of what it looks like. Of course, since it would be a custom piece their version would be one of a kind (OOAK). Ideally, once the alphabet is completed I'd have cards made of all the letters.

Also, I received today all the cards I ordered for the Flea Market on Sept. 11. They came out beautifully. I am really excited for the flea market, it will be my first one and I am optimistic that there will be a market for my cards.

In addition, to the photo-cards I am working on individual hand-painted cards. The Little Mommies" are the first installment but there will be many more. My thought is to do at least five variations on each theme. So, there are two more mommies to paint and then figuring out what to do next. Maybe more angels and butterflies?? Possibly some trees? So many options. But I really need to make sure I plan things out well since I need to be ready for next Saturday.

Well, that is all for today, my friends. Happy creating!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Little Mommies are HERE!

On September 11, 2010, I will be participating in my first flea market. For info on it click here.

The focus of the flea market will be to see how much interest there are in the photo-cards based on my artwork. Then I got to thinking on how nice it would be to have actual handmade cards as well. So I experimented with printing out Blue Angel and decoupaging her onto card stock. Not my best idea. Then when I was sitting outside with my favorite little artist yesterday, I decided to create a mini drawing based on my mother theme. I liked it so much that I painted it on 3 of the cards. The paintings are small, 3"x4.5", but they really do look lovely.

So I will post them on Artfire and see what happens. Then the day of the flea market, I will deactivate the listings and see how it goes. Oh and I did get some nice feedback on my work from a woman on Artfire. She is opening a shop in Ohio and is interested in possibly showing some of my work. Stay tuned for more on that since I don't really know how it will pan out.

That is all for today. Happy creating!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Blue Angel

I decided since there are so many people out there who love angels, I might as well do another one. So now I have two angel designs to be used for cards, journals, etc...

Golden Angel belongs to my cousin but Blue Angel (shown here), 7"x9", acrylic, is up for grabs. If you like her let me know.

Happy Creating!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Two Almost Complete Paintings

Here are the two pieces referred to in this post.

Today was a good art day. Other than applying the gloss medium, I did two paintings. The gloss medium I lent to my sister and I will pick it up tomorrow. Once glossed, I will photograph and post both pieces. It was wonderful to spend some quality time in my studio. It is a good break from the monotony of searching for a full-time job. Supposedly, the economy is getting better but I don't see it. All I find is that the same jobs are reposted repeatedly. There is one position that has been on the jobs for over ONE year! Is the employer really hiring? With the amount of unemployed individuals I find it really unlikely they haven't found a qualified individual to fill the spot. Especially, since the position isn't one that requires rare skills.

Tomorrow, I will continue my search and hopefully will find something that will match well with my skill set. I also hope to go to the library and start a new green mixed media piece.

Happy creating!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Green is Good

For anyone who knows me, I have some green tendencies. Mind you, I am no Ed Begley, and I could certainly do many things in a more green focused way but for the most part I do try and be environmentally friendly.

A couple of months ago I received a packet from a prior employer. The amount of paper contained in the packet was appalling and really uncalled for. What is worse, if I was still an employee of the company the packet would have contained even more paper! Now, understand that there are federal laws and regulations that require employers to send employees certain information, however, it does not always have to be in hard copy. In fact, my colleagues and I tried desperately to avoid having to drown employees in this much paper. Unfortunately, we lost the battle to one very stubborn individual who pulled rank on us.

I really hated the thought of putting all this paper in the recycle bin. But what could I do with it? The answer...create a mixed media work. So today is the unveiling of my first mixed media piece which incorporates re-using a small portion of the mound of paper received from a past employer. The work is called "Green is Good", 10"x12", decoupage and acrylic.

The title comes from a tag line that I include on all my e-mails. To be honest, I copied it from a wonderful woman I used to work with. It is short and sweet and hopefully reminds people to think before printing e-mails, etc.

I hope you enjoy today's piece. Happy creating!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Sketchbook

It really is an amazing feeling when you finish one sketchbook and begin anew. I started a new sketchbook today which is happiness. The crisp white pages that call draw on me draw on me! So sitting outside I did three new sketches which have the potential to be lovely paintings. But it is not only the excitement about starting a new sketchbook that is invigorating but also the feeling of accomplishment as you look at the finished book.

I took a look at the first sketch I did in the now finished sketchbook, it is of XO, the piece that placed 2nd in the open juried show sponsored by the Art Society of Old Greenwich. :-)

I also continue to work on my mixed media piece, it is not working out the way I had hoped. But I will work through it since sometimes the pieces that give you the hardest time work out the best in the end. Here is to optimism!

Well, enjoy your weekend and check back soon for an update.

Happy creating!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Opening Night

First, a big thank you to Al at the Sapphire Lounge...he did a great job on finalizing the hanging and made us feel very welcomed.

The night was a mix of good and bad so after wallowing a bit, this post is only going to focus on the positive. I was fortunate to have my hubby and my good trusted friend take the trek to NYC with me for the opening. We walked in and the lounge was like a different place from when I saw it on Wednesday. All my works were hung on the walls and the lightening was just right. Candles completed the ambiance and the DJ announced the show a couple times, too.

We enjoyed good music and were able to talk with some of the patrons who visited the gallery space. The favorite comment of the evening was from another artist who told me he was more into my work then his own. What a way to inflate my ego :-)

The time spent at the lounge was easy and mellow. It was also filled with many laughs. All in all I will remember it fondly. My first solo exhibit, it looked beautiful and I learned a lot.

On a different note, I am attempting my first mixed media piece. It is exciting to add a new element to my style and the best part is that the additional element is from re-using wasted paper. I'll elaborate more once it is complete.

Happy creating!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Garnets & Sapphires

Well tonight is the big night, my solo exhibit opens at the Sapphire Lounge. My works will be up through Sunday.

My mind is a jumble of thoughts as I write this. I am excited, nervous, apprehensive all at the same time. It hasn't been the smoothest of processes so I do hope the end product is worth it. If nothing else this was an eye-opening learning experience, one I am not likely to forget. But for now, I am focusing on the positive...a great night with friends and family!

If you are local I hope you will stop in for a bit. I will be there from 8-10pm.

Happy creating!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Busy Monday

Today was a busy, productive day. My favorite little artist and I started the day by meeting with a photographer to start pricing out having my works professionally shot. Also, it is confirmed, they can convert the slides I have to digital images...WOO HOO. We then returned home to work a bit in the art room before I began the process of picking out the pieces to be shown at the Sapphire Lounge. I am getting excited about the show.

We also managed to sell our old stove, it will have a new life somewhere in the Caribbean. Then it was off to the doctor's office for my favorite little artist's 5 year check up and vaccinations. The check up went well, the shots not so much...I am sure her screams of bloody murder could be heard in China. But in the end, a trip to Dunkin Donuts was all that was needed to make everything right again.

So tomorrow we are off to the Barn Gallery to pick up some pieces which will be part of the Sapphire Lounge exhibit. It is going to be a busy week!

Happy creating!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Today's piece is called "Smudged", 8"x10", acrylic on bristol. She was created as a new piece to include in my show at the Sapphire Lounge. I am loving the colors, sometimes they just seem to flow. Although, I am annoyed about the smudge in the piece but it does give it some character. Can you see it, or is it just me? It seems to scream at me.

Anyway, I am thrilled to have a new piece to show and if all goes smoothly this week, maybe I'll be able to create another one before hanging the show on Wednesday.

Yesterday, was such a beautiful sunny today and today is overcast and rainy. But it is ok, I have a pot of gravy (for those non-ItalianAmerican folks that would be tomato sauce) on the stove, fresh mozzarella and brushetta for a yummy dinner so all is good with the world...LOL. Somedays, I totally think with my stomach.

I hope you enjoy today's piece and happy creating!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

GO Logo

The week is ending on a good note...

I finished the painting I will use as the GO logo. I am happy with the way it turned out. Hopefully, when it is professionally photographed it will capture all the nuances of the piece.

Monday, my favorite little artist and I meet with a photographer to start pricing out services. After our meeting we get to go to her 5 year check up. She will not be happy when she realizes she gets a couple of shots...ouch.

The focus over the next couple of days will then be in preparing my works for the show at the Sapphire Lounge. If you are local I hope you will join us. It should be a fun art and music filled night. Check out the invite on my Facebook page.

Well, I hope everyone enjoyed this beautiful summer day. We had a great day, aside from painting, we had an impromptu visit with cousins. Sun, water and watermelon...life is good.

Well, enjoy your weekend...happy creating.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Church and a Bar

Ok, my title sounds like the beginnings of a bad joke...so there was "a church and a bar".... But in reality it refers to two venues I am looking at.

First the church, a local church in White Plains is holding a flea market in September so I've reached out to them for more details. The hope is that it gives me some exposure to see if there is a market for my greeting cards as well as my artworks.

Now the bar...you've gotta love Craig's List, I have found some really great places to show my work though the art section. So...drumroll please...I will be having my first solo exhibit at the Sapphire Lounge in NYC. It will run from Thursday, August 19th, through Sunday, August 22nd. It should be a fun experience. So mark your calendar and come "party" with me next week.

Well, that is all for now. I am going to pick up my favorite little artist from camp in a few minutes. I hope she wants to work in the art room today since I am in the mood to paint!

Happy creating!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lots Going On

Tomorrow is Thursday...where did the week go? Where is the art? Last posting of a piece was on Sunday and the piece was actually done on Saturday! Well, today I made it back into the studio thanks to my favorite little artist who begged and pleaded to please go into the art room. So after dinner we did. So I now have a lovely sketch waiting to be turned into a painting.

However, tomorrow I have an appointment in the city for a possible show opportunity so painting will have to wait till Friday. The space is a nontraditional venue and I am excited to go look at it. I also just submitted 3 pieces for consideration in a juried show in Chicago! Accepted artists will be notified after Labor Day. It is going to feel like forever but there is a lot to do between then and now. Camp ends this Friday for my favorite little artist and we have 3 weeks of summer fun left before school starts. Oh what shall we do??Wanna bet we do something art related??

Well my friends, happy creating!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Golden Angel

So not my usual subject matter but it was done as a gift for my cousin who loves angels. So here is a GO version of an angel and I have to say I do like her. She was lots of fun to paint, especially the wings. She was painted yesterday but by the time I finished her it was too dark to photograph her.

Today, was a "no art" day, it was a cleaning day...ugh. It is interesting how you need to deal with real life every once in awhile :-)

Well, no words of wisdom today so have a great evening.

Happy creating!