Saturday, July 31, 2010

"XO" has been accepted

I am so excited...I have been accepted into my first juried exhibition sponsored by the Art Society of Old Greenwich. The show is the 2010 Juried Exhibition and the juror was Simon Dinnerstein, NA.

I almost didn't enter since with a juried show you pay a fee but are not guaranteed acceptance. However, the judging for this show was done by viewing the actual work versus a digital image which is good for me since my pics aren't so great. So, today started with a quick trip to Greenwich to drop off "XO". Upon arrival and looking at the other submissions, my initial thought was "well, Ill be back tomorrow to pick up my work". So when my cell phone rang at about 6:30ish this evening, it was wonderful surprise to find out my piece was accepted and...won 2nd place.

The open reception is on Thursday, August 5, from 6-8pm at the Bendheim Gallery, 299 Greenwich Ave, Greenwich, CT. If you are in the area I hope you will join us.

Happy creating!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Gallery Hopping

Today was an adventure filled day. I visited four different art galleries near me. It would have been five but the last I couldn't find, oh well what can you do.

I had varied success as I made my rounds but I will say the most interesting conversations I had were at the Tappan Z Gallery (Tarrytown) and the Blue Door Gallery (Yonkers). The individuals I met there were warm and inviting as well as helpful. Especially, at the Blue Door Gallery, the representative took time and gave me all sorts of tidbits and good info regarding art in Yonkers. I am actually very impressed with how much Yonkers has going on as long as you know where to look. So here's to art networking in Yonkers! As for the artwork displayed at both galleries...beautiful! So if you are in the area stop in and take a look.

Other than feeling like I drove all over the place, it was wonderful to immerse myself in art from a spectator role. It has been so long that I had forgotten what an incredible experience it is to look at other artists' work. I have been to openings recently but there is really nothing like viewing works in a quiet atmosphere. Maybe I'll take a ride over to the Neuberger Museum of Art next week and maybe even the Katonah Art Museum. Oh, the artist in me is just tickled at the thought of looking at the exhibits.

Well, that is all for now. Have a wonderful w/e and happy creating!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Two Today (sorta since one belongs to yesterday)

Here is the piece from yesterday, Mother Moon, acrylic on bristol, 8"x10". When I did the sketch I felt as if I had a break through and even as I worked on the piece that feeling remained. However, upon completion and reflection I am not so sure. But let me tell you why I thought is was a significant piece... The figure has a head w/hair and arms. It is rare that I include these features. The reasoning behind the exclusion is unclear to me but it could have something to do with the flow of the subject matter. Arms cut into the abdomen. As for heads...according to an old professor, who I don't even remember his name although I liked him, I de-humanize the figure by not including a head. Uh, don't think so...again, I just think it is flow. In addition, the background got an additional element, the "moon". This
added a new dynamic to the color scheme and flow of the piece.

So there you have it. A sorta kinda break through but no matter if it truly is, it was a good lesson learned. Basically, heads and limbs are not so bad :-)

Today's piece is called "Mother Tree", acrylic on bristol, 10"x13". I am pleased with this piece. The sketch for it was done before "Mother Moon" and as you can see it is headless. But it is a tree so it doesn't really matter. This piece is a fusion between two series that I work w/in: Mother and Trees. So a new series evolved called "Mother Nature".

I did realize that I am now favoring a different color scheme these days, reds and greens, so I need to be conscious of that. If not everything begins to look the same.

On a different note, karate last night was awesome. I love feeding the martial artist in me, although I will most likely be an underbelt forever tee hee. I love going but my work schedule over the last couple years made it impossible. Oh, the things we have time for when we are unemployed, umm I mean in transition. However, I will share with you that once you start studying a martial art it stays with you in so many ways. You find you are stronger than you thought and whether or not you are able to practice the physical side, you tend to always practice the the non-physical aspects. I invite you to check out my school's link in my favorite website section and if you are in the area stop in one day...I'd love to meet you.

That's all for now. Happy creating!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No Camera

Well, the camera is not working at the moment so although there is a new painting for today, it cannot be posted :-(

But to give you some tidbits on is the "break through" piece I mentioned yesterday. However, now that it is painted it doesn't have that "yes, this is a huge step forward" feeling to it. Not sure what it is but it just wasn't hitting me. Anyway, tomorrow (I hope) when I post it you can give me your thoughts on it.

On a happier note, I also set up another sketch that is ready to be painted tomorrow. I normally don't set up in advance but I was feeling a bit adventurous today...tee hee. So there could be two posted pieces tomorrow.

My favorite little artist has a date w/her g'ma tonight and I am going to karate. This let's me feed my other artistic side.

Till tomorrow my friends and happy creating.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thank You, Beautiful Day!

Some days are just too beautiful to ignore and today was one of those days for me. Not everything went my way nor did I get any great news but it still was one awesome, fantastic, beautiful day and I will tell you why...

1. I had lunch w/a good friend.
2. I met an interesting gentleman in Walmart who asked me what I did and I said I was an artist. For the first time EVER I answered artist and it felt great. I then found out his son is an artist who is moving his storefront from Brooklyn to Soho.
3. I bought a skirt for my favorite little artist and it was $1, yes, you read that correctly $1.
4. My hubby and I put up the awning in the yard and filled up the kiddie pool.
5. My favorite little artist and I stayed outside for hours this afternoon. She played on the swings and in the pool. I even had some fun in the pool. We played pretend, she was a puppy, a Dalmatian to be exact.
6. I sketched 3 fantastic drawings. One was a great break threw and I cannot wait to paint it and post it.
7. We ate a fantastic dinner outside that included watermelon, my favorite.
8. A glass fell on the ceramic tile in the kitchen and shattered into a million the floor got a really good sweeping.
9. My favorite little artist got to buy ice cream from the Mr. Softee Truck.
10. Hugs and kisses to a little girl who was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open once her head hit her pillow.

So there you have it, all the reasons for a wonderful beautiful day.

Pumping legs
Faster, faster
Touch the sky
Higher & higher & higher

Have a wonderful good night my friends and I hope you also had an awesome, fantastic, beautiful day!

Monday, July 26, 2010


Here is the next installment in the GO alphabet. "V", acrylic on bristol, 5"x8". It is the second commissioned letter and it came together so nicely.

Here's to hoping this is a good art week. It is starting out on the right foot and I am hoping it continues. Now if only my allergies would calm down then things would be really good.

The w/e was full of non-art fun as we celebrated my favorite little artist's 5th birthday. Time is just flying by, it feels like yesterday that she was born. It was a "Barbie" birthday and she loved it. Fun, sun, swimming and cake...doesn't really get much better than that.

Ok, back to art...I am still looking for a show to participate in for August. Yesterday, I picked up my paintings from Kent, they didn't sell but then I didn't think they would since my work doesn't really fit with their style. Oh well, maybe next time.

Well, my head is swimming so I am going to sign off...till next time.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

"A" is for...

Well, almost anything but in this case it is the first completed letter in my alphabet series. It is a commissioned piece so it is not for sale but if you like it you can request to have a print or notecards made up featuring "A". It is up to you, just send me a note. The next letter to be featured will be "V".

There is also the option to commission your own letter, you pick the color and receive the painting plus ten notecards for $50. Not a bad deal if you ask me and it makes a nice gift for a loved one or friend.

Ok, enough of the sales pitch and onto more important ramblings. My "ArtFire" account is up and running. I have posted 6 items to it so far and am happy with the way it looks. Also, I revamped the look of my blog...let me know what you think?

It has been a pretty slow art week and for the life of me I can't figure out what I have been doing with my time. Real life errands take so long and then are so boring that I forget what I did....hahaha. But seriously, most of this week is a focus on getting ready for my favorite little artist's birthday. She turns 5 tomorrow!

Well that is all for now. Hope you enjoy "A", acrylic on bristol, 5"x8". Keep an eye out for more letters and maybe some initials or a name sometime in the future.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Alphabet according to Garnet

Happy Wednesday All! Today was a very productive day. All chores and errands were finished by noon which left plenty of time for art this afternoon. "The alphabet according to Garnet" has been completed. All the letters are now ready to be painted based on custom order requests. The idea is to have a base b/w letter to work from, then the client can choose his/her colors and a custom painting will be created. Along with the painting they will also receive 10 greeting cards showcasing their letter. The only item to really figure out is pricing. Right now I am thinking $50 for one letter and then $10 for each additional letter, maximum 4 letters. If someone wants a whole name that will also need to be priced out.

I also think I got a much better picture of Universe Mother today which is great. I just need to check the specs and then load it to Yellow Llama. It will also go on Etsy and Artfire. I just signed up for Artfire today... So we will see how it works out. Once my Yellow Llama account is up and running I'll post that was well.

The other big item for today has to do with some organizing. I purchased a hanging rack for the closet in my studio. What a huge difference it makes. Better use of space in the closet which means less "stuff" on the floor. Now supplies and artworks have a home...YEAH!

Till next time my friends.

Monday, July 19, 2010


My favorite little artist named today's piece, "Lovey", acrylic on bristol, 8"x11". We went back and forth on some different names since I rejected many of her initial recommendations. However, we both like Lovey and since I sometimes call her my little lovey, we went with it. Also, the endearment Lovey holds special meaning for me since my maternal grandmother used to call me (and my sisters and cousins) that. So the title makes me think of her and wish she were here so I could share the painting with her. It is over a year since she passed away but somedays it feels like yesterday that I went to visit her.

One of my favorite visits with her was when she was at Burke going for rehab after a stroke (she had a number of strokes that left her unable to walk and talk). I went with her to speech therapy and they asked her "Is your last name Smith". My g'ma replied "yes" and the therapist very gently said "are you sure?" Again, my g'ma said, "yes", and the therapist told her that is incorrect. I then chimed in and said well her maiden name was Smith so technically she is not wrong. The therapist then asked my g'ma is your last name Jones? My g'ma replied with a resounding NO and when asked what her last name is she correctly answered.

At this visit, I also had my favorite little artist with me and she had just began "talking". So she decided to answer the questions as well. This made my g'ma laugh and smile.

Well that is all for now. I need to clean up the studio since my favorite little artist was painting in there today. She did a good job but we do need to clean brushes and put the paints away. Once her paintings are dry I will photograph them and post them on my fb so be sure to visit.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Barn Gallery

Awesome news to share...I met with Sue Newton, owner of The Barn Gallery in New Fairfield, CT, on Route 37, today. She has accepted 15 of my pieces into her gallery as well as a number of my greeting cards. May many people fall in love with them and buy them all! :-)

The Barn Gallery is a great space showcasing tons of art as well as unique gifts and greeting cards. They also do custom you can get a great piece of art and have it framed all in the same place! If you are in the area be sure to visit her gallery.

Today, I also got to visit with my friend who lives in New Fairfield, the same one who put me in touch with Sue. My friend lives w/in walking distance of the gallery which was such a great surprise. I also got to meet her niece who is studying theatre. I will be sure to post plays and other info on her as I find out about it. We love to support emerging artists in all fields of art.

Well I am off to make dinner but hope to have more to share within the coming days. Till then happy creating all!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Go Right

So far this is turning out to be a fabulous art week. I have painted 3 days in a row and also worked on the GO alphabet (see Now I Know my ABC's for more details).

Today's piece is called "Go Right", acrylic on bristol, 13"x18". This was a fun piece to sketch out and to paint. I am still experimenting with the retarder and so far it is a happy experiment. In case you don't know, retarder is a product that keeps acrylics "wet" so they are easier to work with. It slows the drying time down so it is easier to blend and work, at least I think it is easier. My big issue both yesterday and today is with my bristol board, for some reason when I remove the painters tape it is ripping the paper. I've been lucky that it hasn't ripped into the painting, well maybe it is more than luck since I score the edges before I remove the tape. Anyway, it is beyond annoying although if the pieces are framed you won't see it. However, I can also crop the paper and remove the damaged edges if I want...but not sure I want to do that just yet.

But the big news for today is that I spoke to the owner of a gallery in CT that my friend recommended. I am scheduled to meet with the owner on Friday, so if all goes well she will show my works. So check back for more information sometime on Friday.

That's all for now my friends (is there anyone out there? leave a comment or become a follower, I'd love to hear from you).

Oh, before I forget, my favorite little artist likes today's painting. :-)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Red Mama

It is a rainy day here in NY but that didn't stop me from painting today. Today's piece, "Red Mama", acrylic on bristol, 13"x18", was an experiment in a number of ways:

1. Tried out "retarder" to see if it did make the acrylics easier to work with. The jury is still out since I am thinking I may not have used enough since I was concerned about using too much.
2. It is rather large for an acrylic painting, at least for me. It is 13"x18".
3. Tried out some new brushes that had longer bristles. That was an interesting experience but may buy new brushes with shorter bristles again. It is a control thing.
4. The subject matter was drawn freehand right on the bristol board versus in a sketchbook and then traced. The reason is that the biggest sketchbook I own is 11"x14".

The colors on this piece are more earthy then I normally do. It is most likely a side effect of the rain on my psyche...LOL. This piece was also very difficult to photograph but then we all know that the camera and I aren't really good friends.

So far this is turning out to be a pretty good art week but it is only Tuesday so I hope I haven't jinxed myself. But I do have some other news...I did hear back from one of the galleries I reached out yesterday. Unfortunately, they are booked up for the August show but if someone is unable to deliver their works on time they will let me know. Also, I have been in contact with Yellow Llama and am hoping to work with them. I'll keep you posted. Till tomorrow...

Monday, July 12, 2010

So Close

Happy Monday! It was a good art day. I was able to spend some quality time in my studio and completed a new painting this afternoon. However, before being able to paint the studio needed some cleaning up. My favorite little artist spent a number of days creating w/moon sand. Needless to say it was moon sand covered the drop cloth but she had a great time using it and that is what counts.

Today's piece is called "So Close", acrylic on bristol, 8"x10". It is dedicated to my know who you are, my dear friend who encourages me to do art and in the nicest way demands to see a new work. Well, maybe that is exaggerating a bit....hahaha Well maybe not since she im'd me w/ "ART?" LOL But what would I do w/out her? Sometimes you need someone who encourages you and is so happy when you answer their question with a yes.

The other art related item for today is that I reached out to two galleries regarding shows in August. Hopefully, both will have room for me since one of my goals is to show at least once a month. Tomorrow should be another good art day, I was given a contact at a gallery by a friend that I will call. Stay tuned for the news....good or bad.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

How art

The blues are slowly subsiding, art would have helped but unfortunately the responsibilities of life had to come first. Monday we experienced a power surge that fried our kitchen appliances. So today was spent in contacting a repair technician and getting an estimate. Then purchasing a new coffee maker and other errands. The highlight of the day was picking up my favorite little artist from camp...she had a wonderful day.

So know begins the fight with the insurance company and ConEd in order to get reimbursed for having to replace our appliances. Add to that the fact that I am still unemployed and we don't have any extra funds...oh this is going to be so fun...NOT!

Tomorrow is a new day and I hope that it will be one filled with art. I am looking forward to working on my newest project to see how it turns out. Have great night.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Now I Know my ABC's...

Today, my friends, was a tough day. The sun is shining (perhaps a bit too brightly) but my mood was definitely blue. My job search is at a standstill, it seems I am not making much progress with selling/showing my art, my husband was the victim of identity theft and the icing on the cake...we experienced a power surge yesterday that has fried the fridge and stove. My instinct was to crawl back to bed and stay there. It was so hard to stay downstairs and force myself to search the web for job postings and then speak with my career counselor. But as luck would have it, and in this I am lucky, my wonderful friend was online. A simple hi to her and telling her I was sad helped to change the day. She knew just what I needed...a nudge to go work on my art. So into the studio I went...

It was hard at first to concentrate but slowly the creative instinct clicked in and the web of blues disappeared. I focused on my latest project which is to reproduce all the letters of the alphabet in a "garnetoriginals" way. I am past the halfway point in my endeavor having made it up to "O" before heading out to pick up my favorite little artist from camp. Right now they are simple b/w drawings but eventually each will be turned into a painting. The objective is to be able to mix and match the letters to recreate names or initials to be used as greeting cards. This project should keep me engaged for awhile and hopefully keep the blues from creeping back in.

The other thing that happened as I sketched away, I began to sing "Rain Drops Keep Falling on my Head" (be thankful you weren't around to hear, a singer I am NOT lol). So my friends I will leave you with a quote from the song:

But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me
~BJ Thomas

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Midnight Sky

Today is the first day of camp for my favorite little artist. I hope she likes it and has a fun time. The morning was just confusion and it didn't leave me feeling super confident but when I left her she was smiling and making a new friend. So I will take a breath...

Art has been slow for me over the last week but we did have a busy holiday weekend which was very nice. We were in Lake Placid and I began a painting there which I finished at home on Thursday, 7/1/10, however, I did not get a chance to post it yet. So here is the latest offering..."Midnight Sky", acrylic on bristol, 10"x13". It is a study in primary colors (red, blue, yellow) along w/black and white. Since I was in Lake Placid I only bought a handful of paints with me which happened to be the primary colors. It came out better than expected.

I am hoping this will be a good art will be nice to get back into a creative groove.