Monday, July 12, 2010

So Close

Happy Monday! It was a good art day. I was able to spend some quality time in my studio and completed a new painting this afternoon. However, before being able to paint the studio needed some cleaning up. My favorite little artist spent a number of days creating w/moon sand. Needless to say it was moon sand covered the drop cloth but she had a great time using it and that is what counts.

Today's piece is called "So Close", acrylic on bristol, 8"x10". It is dedicated to my know who you are, my dear friend who encourages me to do art and in the nicest way demands to see a new work. Well, maybe that is exaggerating a bit....hahaha Well maybe not since she im'd me w/ "ART?" LOL But what would I do w/out her? Sometimes you need someone who encourages you and is so happy when you answer their question with a yes.

The other art related item for today is that I reached out to two galleries regarding shows in August. Hopefully, both will have room for me since one of my goals is to show at least once a month. Tomorrow should be another good art day, I was given a contact at a gallery by a friend that I will call. Stay tuned for the news....good or bad.


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