Sunday, August 15, 2010


Today's piece is called "Smudged", 8"x10", acrylic on bristol. She was created as a new piece to include in my show at the Sapphire Lounge. I am loving the colors, sometimes they just seem to flow. Although, I am annoyed about the smudge in the piece but it does give it some character. Can you see it, or is it just me? It seems to scream at me.

Anyway, I am thrilled to have a new piece to show and if all goes smoothly this week, maybe I'll be able to create another one before hanging the show on Wednesday.

Yesterday, was such a beautiful sunny today and today is overcast and rainy. But it is ok, I have a pot of gravy (for those non-ItalianAmerican folks that would be tomato sauce) on the stove, fresh mozzarella and brushetta for a yummy dinner so all is good with the world...LOL. Somedays, I totally think with my stomach.

I hope you enjoy today's piece and happy creating!

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