Anyway, the first painting is called "Pink Lady", acrylic on bristol, 6"x6". She was created from one of the sketches I did up in Garrison last week. It was a quick pose, I think the model held it for 5 minutes which usually means just as I am starting to make progress the pose is finished. Anyway, this is the piece I mentioned yesterday that I was struggling with on the color. I took a minimalist approach the colors used which was challenging but it actually turned out ok. There is one thing about this piece that really bugs but unless someone else picks up on it I am not going to say what it is. If you post a comment on what you think it is I will let you know if you are cold, warm or hot...LOL
The second piece is called "Oh!", acrylic on bristol, 9"x11". I actually used the same color pink as in "Pink Lady" for this piece. For some reason, I was just liking that color and I found it worked well on this piece. I am pretty happy with it.
On a different note, I received a packet today from a previous employer and I was appalled at the amount of paper they sent. I realize they are legally obligated to send these documents to me but what a colossal waste of resources. Oh and please know since I don't wok there anymore I didn't receive half the amount of paper an active employee was sent. So needless to say this pile of paper booklets is bugging me and I got to thinking what can I do with them besides dump them in my recycle bin? So I am going to attempt to use each booklet as a sketchbook. I hope it is not too annoying since there is text on every page (oh, small miracle they at least printed the pages double sided). But maybe in the end I will have something unique and beautiful. So I will keep you posted on how I make out with my first "green" art project.
Enjoy the pics and thanks for listening...well I hope someone is listening (really reading) this...
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