Well, back to the subject that is the real focus of this blog, my artwork. Today's piece is called "Double Curve", acrylic on bristol board, 8"x12". I've been trying to use different colors versus my favorites...red, blue, yellow, green.
The original sketch was done over the Memorial Day holiday while we were in the Catskills. Although there is a bit of artistic license taken the tree I was sketching really did curve that way. It is amazing what can occur in nature. It was too bad that we wound up with a thunderstorm or I am sure I would have wound up with a number of great sketches. As it turns out, my paranoia over leaving my sketchbook and pencils unattended is what saved this sketch and many more from being left out in the rain.
I am still very concerned about being able to continue pursuing my artwork once I return to work. I am excited (and nervous) about my interview tomorrow, however, to be perfectly honest...it is difficult enough trying to create with my day to day responsibilities that I don't know what will happen once I start working. My art has suffered for the last 15+ years while I worked a full-time desk job, I do not want that to happen again. Could it be that since I am so concerned about it and am putting it out there to all of you that it will help to keep me on course? I just don't know...
But anyway, I need to decide what pieces to submit to the Kent Member show that is taking place later this month. I am also on the fence about whether or not I want to submit a drawing or two to the Drawing Salon Show at the Greenpoint Gallery...I am tending toward the not since I prefer to show my paintings.
Well, I think that is enough ramblings for today. Until tomorrow my friends.
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