I thought it would be hard but after conversation with my sister and a look at how I packed up her lunches, I realized it was do-able. All it really required was a shift in thinking. For instance, I so hate plastic shopping pages so I use re-usable bags, yet I would use plastic sandwich and snack bags everyday for lunch. Do you see the hypocrisy in that? So, lunches are now packed with all re-usable containers and it's not very hard. In fact, it is easier in some respects and now sandwiches never get squished.
So in honor of my breakthrough on the being green front, here is the picture for today, although it was done a few weeks ago, called "It's Not Easy Being Green", mixed media, 10"x12". However, the irony is that it is not as hard are we may think.
So make a little change for Mother Earth...reduce, re-use, recycle. And with that I step down from my soap box. Happy creating!
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