Saturday, October 23, 2010

Long Live the Wicked Witch

It has been awhile since I last posted and I am sure you miss me terribly. A lot has happened over the last couple of weeks.
Let's start with the Bayside Arts Festival. It was a beautiful day and the area was lovely. I made a nice contact who gave me lots of helpful hints and I got to see my friend and meet her other half. I had not met him before so when I saw them together my first thought was "they fit together". They were my blessing that day since when you work a festival stand on your own it is kind of hard to take a break if you know what I mean. Altogether it was a good experience and I hope to do it next year.

I started my new job at the end of last week and have hit the ground running. Lots to do in not a lot of time but it is all good. I am amazed by the group I work with, the spirit of teamwork is refreshing.

My favorite little artist is still struggling with school. It feels like for every step forward we go two steps back. But we will get there. She is having a great time at soccer and karate which I hope will help her in school.

So being green one lunch at a time is going well. I am thinking of of maybe creating a Facebook fan page about it. However, there are so many days I feel like a green wannabe that it seems like it would hypocritical. Maybe one day.

Well, I am off to decorate the house for Halloween with my favorite little artist. Enjoy the wicked witch hats (hand painted notecards). Happy creating!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's Not Easy Being Green

So, do you remember while back when I mentioned that there is a mom at my favorite little artist's school who sends her children to school with garbage-less lunches? Well, guess what...I now also send my favorite little artist to school with garbage-less lunches...well very close to it anyway :-)

I thought it would be hard but after conversation with my sister and a look at how I packed up her lunches, I realized it was do-able. All it really required was a shift in thinking. For instance, I so hate plastic shopping pages so I use re-usable bags, yet I would use plastic sandwich and snack bags everyday for lunch. Do you see the hypocrisy in that? So, lunches are now packed with all re-usable containers and it's not very hard. In fact, it is easier in some respects and now sandwiches never get squished.

So in honor of my breakthrough on the being green front, here is the picture for today, although it was done a few weeks ago, called "It's Not Easy Being Green", mixed media, 10"x12". However, the irony is that it is not as hard are we may think.

So make a little change for Mother Earth...reduce, re-use, recycle. And with that I step down from my soap box. Happy creating!

Friday, October 15, 2010

It's Friday!

I cannot believe that it is Friday! This week and last have just been a blur and to top it off I haven't accomplished everything I wanted. However, this week marked the beginning of a new beginning...I am no longer "in transition"...woo hoo. I started a new position on Thursday and am once again part of the gainfully employed.

Everything happened so fast and I am still trying to wrap my head around it. One thing I do know is that I need to continue to work on my art and building GarnetOriginals. My small little business must survive! There are some good things coming together for GO...professional pictures will soon be done and then quality greeting cards will be printed. It will be exciting to have an inventory to work with and see if any local stores will carry the cards.

Tomorrow will be an art focused day once soccer mom duty is over. My favorite little artist and I are looking forward to some quality time in the art room.

This Sunday I will be at the Bayside Arts Festival which should be lots of fun. If you are local I hope you will stop on by.

Last but certainly not wonderful friend made it through her surgery and is a breast cancer survivor. Don't forget...October is breast cancer awareness month so get your pink on!

Love to all and happy creating!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Busy Week

Sorry to be away so long, my friends. I know you were so lonely w/out me tee hee.

It has been a super busy week. My period of "transition" is quickly coming to an end and I am trying to get some last minute things taken care of before returning to the world of work. Also, I have lots of new pics to post but the gloomy weather earlier in the week made it impossible for me to take the pics. Add to that I am a poor photographer and well, it was just better to wait. So today looks like a good day to take all the pics.

On Saturday and Sunday I was at the Arts & Music Festival in Rye. We had two beautiful days and I was lucky enough to have my booth between two lovely women who gave me lots of great tips. Sales were kind of slow for me but I think I may do it again next year since it was such a positive experience. Also, this was the first year it was held so it can only get better!

So keep an eye out for all the pics and happy creating!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

To the dogs...

Today was Hounds on the was a puppy filled day. Unfortunately for me, my products didn't quite work with the dog-lovin' crowd. I sold some items but not enough to break even which was quite depressing. Next weekend if the Arts & Musical Festival at the Playland Boardwalk which I think will be a better venue for me. It is a two-day event so lots of opportunities to sell my work and network.

October is breast cancer awareness month. Please take a moment to send positive energy to all those friends and loved ones who are battling this disease. Also, ladies be sure to get your "girls" checked out...early detection saves lives!

Love to you all and happy creating!

Do you like the pink pic? Found it here. Thanks self-tanning queen.