It has been awhile since I last posted and I am sure you miss me terribly. A lot has happened over the last couple of weeks.
Let's start with the Bayside Arts Festival. It was a beautiful day and the area was lovely. I made a nice contact who gave me lots of helpful hints and I got to see my friend and meet her other half. I had not met him before so when I saw them together my first thought was "they fit together". They were my blessing that day since when you work a festival stand on your own it is kind of hard to take a break if you know what I mean. Altogether it was a good experience and I hope to do it next year.
I started my new job at the end of last week and have hit the ground running. Lots to do in not a lot of time but it is all good. I am amazed by the group I work with, the spirit of teamwork is refreshing.
My favorite little artist is still struggling with school. It feels like for every step forward we go two steps back. But we will get there. She is having a great time at soccer and karate which I hope will help her in school.

So being green one lunch at a time is going well. I am thinking of of maybe creating a Facebook fan page about it. However, there are so many days I feel like a green wannabe that it seems like it would hypocritical. Maybe one day.
Well, I am off to decorate the house for Halloween with my favorite little artist. Enjoy the wicked witch hats (hand painted notecards). Happy creating!