Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I know for some individuals creating art is their reality but for me it is just a dream. Today was a reality day...most of my day was spent on my job search. Then it was off to pick up my girl from school, food shopping and making dinner. I had so hoped that her teacher had said she had a good listening day since her reward for good listening was being allowed back in the "art room". If that had been the case then we would have ditched food shopping.

So it truly was an artless day, I didn't even do a sketch...totally sad :-(

On the bright side, I figured out how to add my artwork to the background on my twitter page (http://twitter.com/GarnetOriginals). I also updated the header for my blog. I cropped one of my pictures and used it as the background on the heading. Can you guess what picture I used?? Till tomorrow.

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