I decided to keep using the colors I originally started out with since when I looked at them today they felt right. It is so nice when you still like the paints you picked out when you originally start working on something.
I did rework some of the lines of the piece and gave it much more contrast between the lights and the darks. All in all, i am very happy with the progress. There are still a couple of areas that I need to focus on but I think as I keep working on the piece it will all come together.
Most likely, I will not work on this piece again until Monday, 4/26. This will give the paints a little bit of drying time and my little artist will be back in school. I may have her look at the piece to get her input since I like to hear what she has to say. It is amazing the insight you can get from a 4 year old...good honest feedback. LOL
So be sure to check back and see the progress of the piece and I will see if I can find a before picture since I didn't think to take one before I started to paint today but I believe my friend may have one (fingers are crossed).
Till tomorrow my friends.
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