Success...the piece came out better than expected. It is called "My Love Too", pastel on paper, 6"x9" (I think, I didn't bring a ruler w/me to Lake Placid).
The amazing power of tracing paper, this is a mirror image to "My Love" done earlier this week. I really liked how that sketch came out so it has been recycled :-)
I really fought with this piece during the creative process. I actually, let it sit for a little bit and came back to it. I found that I used many more colors then I typically do but that was all part of the creative journey of using dark paper. I have taken to experimenting with different color paper for my pastels since it adds another element to the piece. However, using this dark paper really posed a challenge but in the end I do like the result.
I have to say I have fond memories of this paper. Many years ago I did an internship at the graphic design company of very good friends of my parents. I had the very unglamorous task of creating these boards that consisted of this incredible green paper and tracing paper. I opted to keep many of the scraps created from the production process and am now, more than 10 years later, putting them to good use. I enjoyed my time interning at the company but found that graphic design just wasn't for me. Oh, well live and learn.
So as I worked on "My Love Too" I thought about the wonderful friends of my parents who helped me fulfill an important part of getting my masters degree. They were a fantastic loving couple who created a nurturing work environment. It is sad that God called one of them home too soon...but I am grateful to have had him touch my life.
So think about those you love or have touched your life in some way. You will find that it comes through in your creative process.