Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Excitement

My favorite little artist and I are once again in Lake Placid for Thanksgiving. We had a smooth drive traffic and only two pit stops.

Last year, when we were up here the fire alarm went off in the hotel and we were evacuated until the fire marshall gave the all clear. This year, we once again got to see the firemen.

Our morning started out uneventful...we took a drive over to visit the Sugar Shack (totally yummy goodies, I highly recommend stopping there) then headed to my cousin #1's house. My favorite little artist and I headed in with my cousin #2's two girls in tow. No sooner did we have our shoes and coats off that my cousin #1 yelled "Everyone out of the house!" Out the door I pushed the three girls, no shoes and no coats, and to my car where they did put on their shoes and coats. Cousin #3 called 911 as cousin #1 called "the stove is on FIRE!"

By the time the firemen arrived the fire was out; however, they checked everything out to make sure that we wouldn't have any more issues. Let me tell you these firemen arrived fast but it was a small grease(?) fire that flared and fizzed out pretty quickly. Unfortunately though, not quite fast lasted just long enough to give my poor cousins #1 and #3 heart failure.

The rest of our day has been busy but uneventful. Now we are just relaxing until we get to eat and eat and eat. Thankfully, it was not the turkey that caught fire :-)

I am hoping to do a drawing or two while I am in normally inspires me!

Happy Thanksgiving and happy creating!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Let It Snow

My favorite little artist and I had a lovely painting day on Sunday. It felt wonderful to be back in the studio. While I painted, my little one worked with clay. She experimented a bit with it to see how it worked and molded, then she created leaves.

It was so interesting to watch her work as she tried out this new medium. So like and yet so unlike play-doh. It took her a bit to figure out what she wanted to make but once she started there was no stopping her. She cannot wait for another day in the art room, so she can paint her creations.

As for me, it felt great to break out the paints and to dabble a bit in pencil. When I was an undergrad I loved working in pencil but then as time when on and I discovered paint well the poor pencils where all but forgotten about. So Sunday, I dusted off the box (the same one from undergrad and the same pencils), sharpened a few and had some fun. I may do a few more snowman cards in pencil since I liked it so much. But I also realized that they are easy to bring with me when I do one of the 3f's.

So, I asked my favorite little artist if I should do another fair and without hesitation she voiced her opinion. A resounding "NO!". Then she told I should do a home fair which is interesting since I will be doing. On December 5th, I will be hosting The Sunday Soiree, featuring art and jewelry. It should be a fun event, watch for the invite.

Well, that is all for now my friends. I promise to try and post more often and not let the "real world" derail me too much. Happy creating!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


So, I did another craft fair yesterday and have another coming up in early December. However, the more fairs, festivals and flea markets (hahaha could just call them the 3 f's) I do, the more it is becoming clear that these are not the right venue for me. They offer good exposure but you can't really live on "oh, these are lovely". Perhaps I need something more retail...

But I just found another fair that takes place next weekend and is local. If they respond to my inquiry and the price is right I might do it.

Today, however is a painting day. My favorite little artist and I will be spending some quality time in the art room. Cleaning, cooking, shopping will have to wait for another day.

Enjoy this lovely Sunday and happy creating!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


My poor, neglected GarnetOriginals...being back to work at a real job and all my art projects become second class citizens. I don't necessarily want it to be that way but I am just unable to create after working. My tired brain does not focus and I am lucky I can string two words together. It has even been ages since I posted to my lovely blog. But really who wants to read about open enrollment and carrier renewals!

But all is not lost, I will be at a craft fair this weekend. I'll post the invite to my facebook page. However, if I am to be completely honest, I am not prepared. I have some items but I don't know if I will be able to sell enough to make back the entrance fee.

Well, that is all for now since the last thing I want is for this to feel forced. My blog should flow freely but tonight I just think it is dammed up...

All my love and happy creating!